GridGain Developers Hub

Architecture Overview

This section describes the functional architecture of Control Center (including the Control Center Agent) deployed:

  • As a single binary

  • Over a Docker infrastructure

Single Binary Architecture

The following diagram depicts the single-binary deployment option.

Binary deployment

Browser / Control Center interaction:

  1. Browser requires static files (HTML/CSS/JS/images).

  2. Control Center provides the requested static files.

  3. Browser initiates HTTPS and WS connections.

Control Center / Agent interaction:

  1. Agent initiates connection and cluster registration in Control Center.

  2. Agent initiates a bidirectional WS connection and sends the cluster info: topology, metrics, traces, etc.

  3. Control Center sends commands; e.g., "get metrics requested by user."

Docker-based Architecture

The following diagram depicts the Docker deployment option.

Docker deployment

Browser / Frontend (FE) interaction:

  1. Browser requires static files (HTML/CSS/JS/images).

  2. FE provides the requested static files.

  3. Browser initiates HTTPS and WS connections.

Backend (BE) / Agent interaction:

  1. Agent initiates connection and cluster registration in CC.

  2. Agent initiates a bidirectional WS connection and sends the cluster info: topology, metrics, traces, etc.

  3. BE sends commands; e.g., "get metrics requested by user."