PyGridGain 1.4.0 Release Notes
New Features
PyGridGain 1.4.0 provides access to new features and improvements.
Support for Python 3.10
You can now use Python 3.10 to work with GridGain. Pre-built packages for Python 3.10 were added into the package.
Handshake Timeout
Handshake operation now has timeout argument. You can set it in the following way:
client = Client(handshake_timeout=3.0)
Monitoring and Event Handling
Monitoring and event handling were added. You can track events, or set up a query logger. Here is the example:
class RecordingConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener):
def on_handshake_start(self, event):
def on_handshake_success(self, event):
def on_handshake_fail(self, event):
def on_authentication_fail(self, event):
def on_connection_closed(self, event):
def on_connection_lost(self, event):
# Sync API:
client = Client(event_listeners=[RecordingConnectionEventListener()])
# ...
# Async API:
client = AioClient(event_listeners=[RecordingConnectionEventListener()])"
# ...
Transaction operations are now supported. Both synchronous and asynchronous APIs are supported:
with client.tx_start(isolation=iso_level, concurrency=concurrency) as tx:
tx_cache.put(1, 1)
assert tx_cache.get(1) == 1
async with async_client.tx_start(isolation=iso_level, concurrency=concurrency) as tx:
await async_tx_cache.put(1, 1)
await tx.commit()
assert await async_tx_cache.get(1) == 1"
Expiry Policy
Added suport for configuring ExpiryPolicy for cache operations. Here is how you can set it up:
cache_eternal = cache.with_expire_policy(create=ExpiryPolicy.ETERNAL)
cache_created = cache.with_expire_policy(create=0.6)
cache_updated = cache.with_expire_policy(update=0.6)
cache_accessed = cache.with_expire_policy(access=0.6)"
Improvements and Fixed Issues
GG-35197 |
Added prebuilt biniary for Python 3.10 |
GG-33939 |
Added handshake timeout. |
GG-33936 |
Added monitoring and event handling. |
GG-33923 |
Added logging. |
GG-33908 |
Unified timeouts across the entire Python client API. |
GG-33899 |
Partition awareness is now enabled by default. |
GG-33857 |
Added support for transactions. |
GG-33821 |
Added ExpiryPolicy suport. |
GG-33820 |
Fixed potential binary object serialization issues. |
GG-33810 |
Fixed implicit ByteArray to string convertion. |
GG-33808 |
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused random freezes when using sync client due to partial read from TCP socket. |
GG-33663 |
Fixed an issue with nested array deserialization. |
Installation and Upgrade Information
To upgrade an existing package, use the following command:
pip install --upgrade pygridgain
To install the latest version of a package:
pip install pygridgain
To install a specific version:
pip install pygridgain==1.4.0
Previous Releases
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Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. You can reach us here: or
Please visit the documentation for more information.
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