GridGain Developers Hub

PyGridGain 1.2.0 Release Notes

New Features

PyGridGain 1.2.0 provides access to new features and improvements.

SSL/TLS Certificates with Passwords

Starting this version, SSL/TLS certificates with passwords are supported. Use ssl_keyfile_password argument of client class to specify it upon creation: Client(ssl_keyfile_password=password)

client = Client(use_ssl=True, ssl_keyfile=keyfile, ssl_keyfile_password='my_password')
client.connect('', 10800)

Changes in Behavior

Changes in SQL API

Added cache argument to Client.sql that can be used to infer schema for SQL query. If this argument is used, schema argument is ignored. Also, default SQL page size increased from 1 to 1024 which provides significant performance improvement when fetching SQL results.

New Error Type for Authentication Failure

Python thin client now returns a more clear error message on authentication failure. There is also a new error class - AuthenticationError, which makes it simplier to handle authentication errors.

SqlQuery API

Starting this version, the simplified version of SQL API - SqlQuery API is deprecated. It is recommended to use SqlFieldsQuery instead.

cache = client.get_cache('SomeCache')
result = cache.select_row('field > 42')
for k, v in result:
	print(f'{k}: {v}')
result = client.sql('select key, value from TableName where field > 42', cache='SomeCache')
for k, v in result:
	print(f'{k}: {v}')

Improvements and Fixed Issues


SSL/TLS certificates with passwords are now supported. Use ssl_keyfile_password argument of client class to specify it upon creation: Client(ssl_keyfile_password=password).


Fixed bug causing SQL API to return fields in the wrong order.


The SqlQuery API is now deprecated. Use SqlFieldsQuery instead.


Fixed issue causing implicit creation of a new cache when SQL API was used with a name of non-existing cache.


Python thin client now returns a more clear error message on authentication failure. Also, added the AuthenticationError error class to help user handle similar issues.


Fixed issue that prevented Python from working correctly with objects created using other platforms and clients.


Fixed issue that could cause client freezing when client was getting objects with null fields from cache.


Default SQL result set page size was increased from 1 to 1024. Page size of 1 was causing poor performance when fetching multiple rows using SQL.


Fixed issue causing boolean value to be returned as ints.


Python thin client now returns the time zone-independent values while working with date/time types (when used with latest server release).

Installation and Upgrade Information

To upgrade an existing package, use the following command:

pip install --upgrade pygridgain

To install the latest version of a package:

pip install pygridgain

To install a specific version:

pip install pygridgain==1.2.0

Known Limitations

Argument schema of Client.sql Call in pygridgain-1.2.0 and Later

In PyGridGain earlier than 1.2.0 version, the schema argument of the Client.sql API call is treated as a cache name and implicitly creates cache with such a name if it is not present. In particular, when the schema argument was not specified by user, the "PUBLIC" schema was used by default, which could led to the creation of a cache with "PUBLIC" name. Presently, the cache is not created implicitly. In some cases, this can cause the "Cache does not exists" errors after upgrading to a newer version.

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