GridGain Developers Hub

GridGain Quick Start Guide for .NET/C#

This chapter explains how to use .NET Core to build and run a simple Hello World example that starts a node, puts a value into the cache, and then gets the value.


GridGain.NET was officially tested on:


Oracle JDK 8 or 11, Open JDK 8 or 11, IBM JDK 8 or 11


.NET Core 2.0+, .NET Framework 4.0+

(Optional) Open Ports

Depending on your environment and what your plan is, you may want to open additional ports. GridGain uses the following ports:

  • 47100-47200 — ports used by GridGain nodes to communicate. Specific ports used depend on node configuration.

  • 47500-47600 — ports used by GridGain nodes to discover other nodes in the network. Specific ports used depend on node configuration.

  • 10800 — the port used for thin clients, JDBC and ODBC connections.

  • 8080 — the port used for REST API.

  • 11211 — the port used by control script calls. This port should only be opened on nodes that need to send control script messages to other nodes.

Running a Simple .NET Example

  1. Use the CLI (unix shell, Windows CMD or PowerShell, etc.) to run the following two commands:

    > dotnet new console

    This creates an empty project, which includes a project file with metadata and a .cs file with code.


    > dotnet add package GridGain.Ignite --version {gridgain.version}
    > dotnet add package GridGain

    This modifies the project file - .csproj - to add dependencies.

  2. Open Program.cs in any text editor and replace the contents as follows:

    using System;
    using Apache.Ignite.Core;
    namespace GridGain.GettingStarted
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
              var ignite = Ignition.Start();
              var cache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache<int, string>("my-cache");
              cache.Put(1, "Hello, World");
    using System;
    using Apache.Ignite.Core;
    using GridGain.Core;
    namespace GridGain.GettingStarted
        class Program
            static void Main()
                var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                    PluginConfigurations = new[]
                        // Enable GridGain plugin.
                        new GridGainPluginConfiguration()
                IIgnite ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);
                var cache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache<int, string>("my-cache");
                cache.Put(1, "Hello, World");
                IGridGain gridGain = ignite.GetGridGain();
  3. Save and then run the program:

    > dotnet run

As a result, you should see a node launch and the "Hello, World" text displayed right after the launch.

Next Steps

From here, you may want to: