GridGain Developers Hub

GridGain 8.7.3 Release Notes

What’s New in This Release


This release introduces support for Java 11 and a number of bug fixes.

Visor GUI deprecation

GridGain is announcing the deprecation of the VisorGUI monitoring tool for GridGain. GridGain currently offers two tools that provide monitoring and metrics for GridGain and Apache Ignite clusters; VisorGUI and GridGain Web Console. VisorGUI was the initial monitoring tool for monitoring of local GridGain/Ignite clusters.

Since its introduction, GridGain Web Console has steadily added features to support management of GridGain and Apache Ignite applications from metrics analysis and querying to rolling upgrades and snapshotting. Web Console has reached a point in its maturity where it is at feature parity with and exceeds the capabilities of VisorGUI in many respects.

Fixed Issues

GridGain Community Edition Changes



Java 11 support

GridGain Ultimate Edition Changes



Create table with template doesn’t work properly with data inserted from key-value API



Fixed possible failure during async partition cleanup

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