GridGain Developers Hub


You will need a new license file when installing (or updating to) GridGain Enterprise Edition (EE) or Ultimate Edition (UE). To get a new license file, contact your GridGain representative.

Specifying License

There are several ways you can specify a license file:

  • If you launch GridGain nodes by executing, you can replace the default license file in the GridGain installation directory with your license file. Place the license file in the $GRIDGAIN_HOME/gridgain-license.xml path.

  • You can also manually specify the path to your licence file in configuration. This url can be on a local machine, HTTP or FTP url. Specify the GridGainConfiguration.licenseUrl property in the node configuration file:

    <bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
        <property name="pluginConfigurations">
                <bean class="org.gridgain.grid.configuration.GridGainConfiguration">
                    <property name="licenseUrl" value="/my/directory/gridgain-license.xml"/>
    GridGainConfiguration ggCfg = new GridGainConfiguration();
    IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
    Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(cfg);
    This API is not presently available for C++. You can use XML configuration.

    The license URL can be:

    • An absolute path on the file system;

    • A relative path, which is interpreted relative to the directory from where you launch the node.

    • A URL to a HTTP resource.

  • If you are running GridGain in kubernetes, you can also provide a license by using ConfigMap. Here is an example of how to do this:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: gridgain-license
      namespace: gridgain
      gridgain-license.xml: |
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <gridgain-license version="2.1">
          <license-note>sample license</license-note>
          <enabled-feature name="ultimate"/>

Switching Between GridGain Editions

The easiest way to transition between GridGain editions is to:

  1. Get a new license from GridGain.

  2. Download new binaries from the GridGain site and unzip them into a new directory.

  3. Put your license file into the root folder of your new installation.

If you switch between GridGain editions, you must update your dependencies to match. See GridGain Editions and Java Dependencies.

To use GridGain Community Edition libraries as dependencies in your projects, see the next section.

Community Edition Dependencies in GridGain Projects

To reference GridGain CE dependencies within your GridGain EE or UE project, add the GridGain repository to your .pom file:

        <id>GridGain External Repository</id>

GridGain Editions and Java Dependencies

When switching between GridGain editions (CE/EE/UE), you will need to make some changes in your .pom file.

General Dependencies

Applies to:

  • Moving from GridGain Professional version to Community Edition.

  • Upgrading GridGain Enterprise or Ultimate Edition from GridGain version 8.7.2 and lower to version 8.7.3 and higher.

Beginning with version 8.7.3, and as a substitute for the Professional version, GridGain released the Community Edition.

The difference in dependencies between Community Edition and Professional is the version number and groupId. So if you want to make transition from Professional (~2.7.2) to the Community Edition (8.7.2+) change gridgain.version to the version of GridGain you’re using (8.9.12, for example) and groupId to org.gridgain as below:


Enterprise Edition Dependencies

When moving from Community Edition to Enterprise Edition, you need to add one additional dependency: gridgain-core


Where gridgain.version is 8.x.x.

Ultimate Edition Dependencies

Moving to GridGain Ultimate Edition requires one more dependency in addition to the dependencies in the Enterprise Edition: gridgain-ultimate:


Where gridgain.version is 8.x.x.

Updating GridGain License

When you need to provide a new license to a running cluster, be it due to an update to a different edition or the old license running out, you need to provide GridGain with a new license file.

Update with Downtime

If you can afford the cluster downtime, restart each node in cluster while updating the license file for them.

Update without Downtime

If downtime is not acceptable for the cluster, there are ways to update the license on the running cluster.

  • If you provide a URL to a license file, you can hotswap the license file on each node. The node will automatically reload the license file after the change. GridGain automatically handles having different licenses on the cluster and keeps the cluster running for the duration of the update.

  • If your cluster runs in Kubernetes and you use ConfigMap to specify the license file, change the license in ConfigMap. The nodes running in the cluster will automatically update the license once the new ConfigMap is provided.

  • If neither of the above options is possible, you can perform the update on a per-node basis with rolling restart of cluster nodes. Note that this will negatively affect performance for the duration of the update. For detailed instructions on performing rolling restart, see Performing a Rolling Restart section.