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Connection String and DSN

Connection String Format

The ODBC Driver supports standard connection string format. Here is the formal syntax:

connection-string ::= empty-string[;] | attribute[;] | attribute; connection-string
empty-string ::=
attribute ::= attribute-keyword=attribute-value | DRIVER=[{]attribute-value[}]
attribute-keyword ::= identifier
attribute-value ::= character-string

In simple terms, an ODBC connection URL is a string with parameters of the choice separated by semicolon.

Supported Arguments

The ODBC driver supports and uses several connection string/DSN arguments. All parameter names are case-insensitive - ADDRESS, Address, and address all are valid parameter names and refer to the same parameter. If an argument is not specified, the default value is used. The exception to this rule is the ADDRESS attribute. If it is not specified, SERVER and PORT attributes are used instead.

Attribute keyword Description Default Value


Address of the remote node to connect to. The format is: <host>[:<port>][,<host>[:<port>]…​]. For example: localhost,,, If this attribute is specified, then SERVER and PORT arguments are ignored.



Address of the node to connect to. This argument value is ignored if ADDRESS argument is specified.



Port on which OdbcProcessor of the node is listening. This argument value is ignored if ADDRESS argument is specified.



Username for SQL Connection. This parameter is required if authentication is enabled on the server. See Authentication and CREATE user docs for more details on how to enable authentication and create user, respectively.

Empty string


Password for SQL Connection. This parameter is required if authentication is enabled on the server. See Authentication and CREATE user docs for more details on how to enable authentication and create user, respectively.

Empty string


Schema name.



DSN name to connect to.



Number of rows returned in response to a fetching request to the data source. Default value should be fine in most cases. Setting a low value can result in slow data fetching while setting a high value can result in additional memory usage by the driver, and additional delay when the next page is being retrieved.



Enables the non-colocated distributed joins feature for all queries that are executed over the ODBC connection.



Enforces a join order of tables in SQL queries. If set to true, the query optimizer does not reorder tables in the join.



Used to specify ODBC protocol version to use. Currently, there are following versions: 2.1.0, 2.1.5, 2.3.0, 2.3.2, 2.5.0. You can use earlier versions of the protocol for backward compatibility.



Set this property to true if the query is to be executed over fully replicated tables. This can enforce execution optimizations.



Set this parameter to true if your SQL statement includes a GROUP BY clause that groups the results by either primary or affinity key. Whenever GridGain executes a distributed query, it sends subqueries to individual cluster members. If you know in advance that the elements of your query selection are colocated together on the same node and you group by a primary or affinity key, then GridGain makes significant performance and network optimizations by grouping data locally on each node participating in the query.



Lazy query execution. By default, Ignite attempts to fetch the whole query result set to memory and send it to the client. For small and medium result sets, this provides optimal performance and minimize duration of internal database locks, thus increasing concurrency. However, if the result set is too big to fit in the available memory, then it can lead to excessive GC pauses and even OutOfMemoryError errors. Use this flag to tell Ignite to fetch the result set lazily, thus minimizing memory consumption at the cost of a moderate performance hit.



Enables server side update feature. When Ignite executes a DML operation, first, it fetches all the affected intermediate rows for analysis to the query initiator (also known as reducer), and only then prepares batches of updated values that will be sent to remote nodes. This approach might affect performance, and saturate the network if a DML operation has to move many entries over it. Use this flag to tell Ignite to do all intermediate rows analysis and updates "in-place" on corresponding remote data nodes. Defaults to false, meaning that intermediate results will be fetched to the query initiator first.



Determines whether the SSL connection should be negotiated with the server. Use require or disable mode as needed.



Specifies the name of the file containing the SSL server private key.



Specifies the name of the file containing the SSL server certificate.



Specifies the name of the file containing the SSL server certificate authority (CA).


Connection String Samples

You can find samples of the connection string below. These strings can be used with SQLDriverConnect ODBC call to establish connection with a node.

DRIVER={Apache Ignite};
DRIVER={Apache Ignite};ADDRESS=localhost:10800;CACHE=yourCacheName
DRIVER={Apache Ignite};ADDRESS=localhost:10800
DRIVER={Apache Ignite};;CACHE=MyCache;PAGE_SIZE=4096

Configuring DSN

The same arguments apply if you prefer to use DSN (Data Source Name) for connection purposes.

To configure DSN on Windows, you should use a system tool called odbcad32 (for 32-bit [x86] systems) or odbc64 (for 64-bit systems) which is an ODBC Data Source Administrator.

When installing the DSN tool, if you use the pre-built msi file, make sure you’ve installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010.

Launch this tool, via Control panel→Administrative Tools→Data Sources (ODBC). Once the ODBC Data Source Administrator is launched, select Add…​→Apache Ignite and configure your DSN.

Configuring DSN

To do the same on Linux, you have to locate the odbc.ini file. The file location varies among Linux distributions and depends on a specific Driver Manager used by the Linux distribution. As an example, if you are using unixODBC then you can run the following command which will print system wide ODBC related details:

odbcinst -j

Use the SYSTEM DATA SOURCES and USER DATA SOURCES properties to locate the odbc.ini file.

Once you locate the odbc.ini file, open it with the editor of your choice and add the DSN section to it, as shown below:

[DSN Name]
description=<Insert your description here>
driver=Apache Ignite
<Other arguments here...>