The GridGain Systems In-Memory Computing Blog

(Be sure to sign up for the product update webinar on June 16, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. PDT. The webinar features technical demos on the features discussed in this article). GridGain Control Center is a comprehensive troubleshooting, management, and monitoring solution for Apache Ignite and the GridGain platform. While Ignite and the GridGain platform enable the building of high-performance, scalable…
It has been a busy first quarter of 2021 with monthly GridGain Control Center releases. We continue to add new capabilities to help accelerate the creation and configuration of dashboards and alerts, new features for team collaboration, and new options for SQL query development. Teams Control Center introduced a new top level feature for collaboration: Teams. In previous releases, Control…
These are very exciting times for Apache Ignite. During this past year that I have been with GridGain, I have seen some significant technology additions to the Open Source project, such as support for SQL-99, Native Persistence, and Machine Learning to name but three. Earlier this year, new Genetic Algorithm (GA) code was donated to the Apache Software Foundation. Since I am not very familiar…
Metrics in Distributed Systems Monitoring Metrics change over time and, at any particular time, indicate the current state of a system. For example, you can determine whether everything is good with your computer by checking the processor load level, the amount of memory, and the used disk space. Also, for example, a graph that identifies numbers of business operations describes the system from…
Overview The task of monitoring complex distributed systems can be a headache, from the configuration and updating point of view and from the performance point of view. The easiest way to avoid problems is to prevent them at the design stage. In this post, we describe how to implement monitoring of a complex distributed system by using Zabbix as the monitoring tool and Apache Ignite as the…
Overview Prometheus is a popular monitoring tool that is supported by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, the group who support Kubernetes. We often see Apache Ignite and GridGain users trying to integrate Prometheus with their clusters. This post provides hints about how to integrate Prometheus with Apache Ignite and GridGain. Prometheus Configuration This post isn’t about how best to…
It’s been a while since we published a major release of GridGain In-Memory Computing Platform. There is a reason for that. We’ve been advancing our multi-tier database engine, powered by Apache Ignite. And, with GridGain 8.8, we are rolling out the first set of advancements (yep, more to come) that enable you to leverage the disk tier of the database to query larger datasets, reduce the total…
In this article, we look at how transactions work in Apache Ignite. We begin with an overview of Ignite’s transaction architecture and then illustrate how tracing can be used to inspect transaction logic. Finally, we review a few simple examples that show how transactions work (and why they might not work). Note that we assume you are familiar with the concept of key-value storage. If not,…
Since our initial launch in mid-2020, GridGain Control Center has strived to bring transparency and flexibility to the monitoring and development of Apache Ignite and GridGain applications. With each monthly update, we introduce new features to make it easier for admins and developers to understand what exactly is happening within their clusters. In our latest update (2020.11.00), we add new…
Imagine that we need to build a monitoring infrastructure for a distributed database, such as Apache Ignite. Let’s put metrics into Prometheus. And, let’s draw charts in Grafana. Let’s not forget about the notification system—we’ll set up Zabbix for that. Let’s use Jaeger for traces analysis. For state management, the CLI will do. As for SQL queries, let’s use a free JDBC client, such as DBeaver…