The GridGain Systems In-Memory Computing Blog

Over the past few months I’ve been repeatedly asked on how GridGain relates to Hadoop. Having been answering this questions over and over again I’ve compacted it to just few words:We love Hadoop HDFS, but we are sorry for people who have to use Hadoop MapReduce.Let me explain.Hadoop HDFSWe love Hadoop HDFS. It is a new and improved version of enterprise tape drive. It is an excellent technology…
One of the unique features of our upcoming GridGain 1.0 product is AOP-based integration.Since the beginning, the integration part of Grid Computing products was a sore point. APIs are complex, non-intuitive and vendor generally assumed that people writing grid-enabled software would be willing to spend a significant time on grid-enabling process (changing their applications, learning complex…
When thinking about how Grid Computing software can be architected there are many angles one can look from. One such angle that is rarely seen is whether to consider the software architecture from the "Resource" point of view, or from the "Task" point of view.As much as abstract it sounds this question is rather very fundamental to how your Grid Computing software will be used. Let me explain by…
The usual answer is - Google it... Oh, you did? Well, the odds are that you are not any closer to the answer - and you are not alone.Working on Grid Computing for the last 5 years I've accumulated my own share of strange looks on people faces when trying to describe to them the grid computing idea. What is fascinating is that the actual concepts behind Grid Computing are very familiar, simple and…