GridGain Developers Hub

Kafka Connector Configuration

Both the Source and Sink Kafka Connectors are self-documenting. The below configuration reference is captured from IgniteSourceConnectorConfig.conf().toRst() and IgniteSinkConnectorConfig.conf().toRst() methods output.

Source Connector


The mode of handling Kafka Connect Worker failover and rebalancing. The options are:

NONE: the Ignite cache updates that happened during the Connector downtime due to failover or rebalancing are lost. This option provides maximum performance.

FULL_SNAPSHOT: pull all data from the Ignite caches each time the Connector starts. This option prevents data loss but is feasible only for small caches.

BACKLOG: resume from the last committed offset. The Connector creates a special Kafka Backlog cache in Ignite where data from all caches are replicated and assigned offsets.The data is pulled from the Kafka Backlog. This option prevents data loss but consumes additional Ignite resources to manage the Kafka backlog cache and is less efficient due to extra data marshalling.

  • Type: string

  • Default: NONE

  • Importance: high


Path to the Ignite configuration file. $IGNITE_HOME/config/default-config.xml is used if no Ignite config is configured.

  • Type: string

  • Default: ""

  • Importance: high


Whether to load data already existing in Ignite caches at the time the Connector starts.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: true

  • Importance: high


Set this setting to true to make the Connector process removals. In this case the Connector injects a record with a null value into Kafka to indicate that the key was removed.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Importance: medium


Name of a backlog cache created in Ignite where data from all caches are replicated and assigned offsets. This setting is valid only when failoverPolicy is set to BACKLOG.

  • Type: string

  • Default: kafka-connect-backlog

  • Importance: low


The number of backlog cache backups. Setting this property to a value higher than 0 prevents partition loss if a node becomes unstable.

  • Type: int

  • Default: 1

  • Importance: low


Frequency in milliseconds that the Backlog service flushes data to the Backlog cache. 0 means the setting is disabled. This setting is valid only when failoverPolicy is set to BACKLOG.

  • Type: int

  • Default: 500

  • Importance: low


Name of a memory region used to store backlog cache in Ignite. This setting is valid only when failoverPolicy is set to BACKLOG.

  • Type: string

  • Default: kafka-connect

  • Importance: low


Name of a backlog service that manages backlog cache in Ignite. This setting is valid only when failoverPolicy is set to BACKLOG.

  • Type: string

  • Default: kafka-connect-backlog-service

  • Importance: low


Maximum number of entries to send to Kafka in single batch.

  • Type: int

  • Default: 10000

  • Importance: low


List of regular expressions to match against names of caches to exclude from copying. If both cacheWhitelist and cacheBlacklist are specified, then cacheWhitelist is analysed first.

  • Type: list

  • Default: null

  • Importance: low


Class name of a custom java.util.function.Predicate<org.gridgain.kafka.CacheEntry> implementation to filter data pulled from Ignite caches.

  • Type: class

  • Default: null

  • Importance: low


Frequency in milliseconds to poll for the latest list of caches existing in Ignite.

  • Type: long

  • Default: 5000

  • Importance: low


List of regular expressions to match against names of caches to copy data from.

  • Type: list

  • Default: null

  • Importance: low


Set this property to true to allow caching resolved kafka schemas. This can be useful in case when same cache can have objects with different binary schemas, so schemas caching can help us to avoid performing resolution for every incoming object.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Importance: low


Specifies how enums mapped to Kafka schema. Possible values are:

ORDINAL: Use Enum’s ordinal value.

SHORT_NAME: Use only the name of enum element, for example BAR.

LONG_NAME: Use the class name of enum element name, for example Foo.BAR.

FULL_NAME: Use the full name of enum element, for example org.acme.Foo.BAR.

  • Type: string

  • Default: SHORT_NAME

  • Importance: low


Specifies how null fields mapped to Kafka schema. Possible values are:

LAZY: Return null for null fields.

EAGER: Try to resolve the schema based on available metadata (binary type metadata or pojo field class).

  • Type: string

  • Default: LAZY

  • Importance: low


By default, key and value schemas are created once and cached. Set this property to true to detect schema changes.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Importance: low


By default, source connector generates cache key and value schemas. Set this property to true to disable schema generation, which improves performance but does not allow non-Ignite sink connectors to understand the data structure.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Importance: low


Frequency in milliseconds to poll for new data in each cache.

  • Type: long

  • Default: 2000

  • Importance: low


Maximum capacity of resolved schemas cache. This setting is valid only when enableSchemaCache is set to true.

  • Type: int

  • Default: 256

  • Importance: low


Time in milliseconds, since last entry access, after which this entry will be evicted from cache. Negative value means that not TTL would be applied. This setting is valid only when enableSchemaCache is set to true.

  • Type: int

  • Default: -1

  • Importance: low


The connector pulls data from Ignite caches into Kafka topics named by prefixing the cache names with this prefix.

  • Type: string

  • Default: ""

  • Importance: low

Sink Connector


Path to the Ignite configuration file. $IGNITE_HOME/config/default-config.xml is used if no Ignite config is configured.

  • Type: string

  • Default: ""

  • Importance: high


Indicates if overwriting or removing existing values in the sink cache is enabled. Sink connector performs better if this flag is disabled.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Importance: medium


Class name of a custom java.util.function.Predicate<org.gridgain.kafka.CacheEntry> implementation to filter data pushed to Ignite caches.

  • Type: class

  • Default: null

  • Importance: low


Sink cache name is built from this prefix and kafka topic without topic prefix. For example, if topic is ignite.person, topicPrefix is ignite. and cachePrefix is ignite- then sink cache name is ignite-person.

  • Type: string

  • Default: ""

  • Importance: low


Set this setting to true to make the Connector flush records to Ignite by batches on kafka offset commit. By default flush executed after each processed record.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Importance: low


A comma-separated list of field names to use for the Ignite cache key. Not applicable if keyPolicy is set to kafka. All fields are used if the setting is not specified.

  • Type: list

  • Default: ""

  • Importance: low


Specifies what data to use for the Ignite cache key. The options are:

key: Fields from the record key are used.

value: Fields from the record key are used.

kafka: Ignite Binary Object having 3 fields - Kafka record’s topic, partition, and offset - is used as the cache key.

  • Type: string

  • Default: key

  • Importance: low


Frequency in milliseconds to push data to Ignite.

  • Type: long

  • Default: 2000

  • Importance: low


Kafka topic is built from this prefix and cache name.

  • Type: string

  • Default: ignite-

  • Importance: low