Building Cloud-Native Telco 5G Convergent Charging Using Apache Ignite for Telco HA and Low Latency

Bernhard Kraft, Senior Director of Technical Product Management at Optiva, and Keith Mellor, Principal Software Architect at Optiva, are presenting this talk about 5G Convergent Charging.


The presentation will start by introducing different aspects of real-time charging in a distributed architecture. Speakers will then explain the approach Optiva has taken to use Apache Ignite in its architecture, how it operates in a multi-cloud environment, and how hybrid solutions deliver key TCO savings to operators and help mitigate significant risks in case of disasters.


After the speakers, we will wrap up by diving into learnings and challenges to meet the different real-time aspects with a cloud-native solution and where Apache Ignite plays a major role. He will share which evaluation criteria were key in Optiva's choice of database solutions, as well as his recommendations for others on this journey.


Talk Date