NYC In-Memory Computing Meetup
Join us Aug. 22 in Manhattan for the next NYC In-Memory Computing Meetup! It will be held at Spaces, located at 1740 Broadway on the 15th floor.
The meetup will feature a talk from Greg Stachnick, director of product management at GridGain Systems. The title of his presentation will be: "Cloud deployment best practices."
Abstract: Cloud deployments offer the potential for almost infinite resources and flexible scalability. But there are so many options! It can be overwhelming to know which services are best for your use case. Building distributed systems only adds to the complexity. Come learn some best practices on how to best structure and deploy IMDB/IMDG applications in a cloud environment.
This event is sponsored by GridGain Systems and is free. However, you must RSVP to attend (the building's security needs the list of attendees in advance). Reserve your spot here.

Director of Product Management