NYC In-Memory Computing Meetup

NYC In-Memory Computing Meetup

Join us June 27 for the next gathering of the NYC In-Memory Computing Meetup! We'll be meeting at WeWork, 575 Fifth Ave in the 14th-floor lounge.


  • 6 p.m. -- Pizzas, chilled beverages, networking
  • 6:15 p.m. -- Talk 1: "Scale Out and Conquer: Architectural Decisions Behind Distributed In-Memory Systems" (Denis Magda, director of product management at GridGain Systems and Vice President of the Apache Ignite PMC)
  • 7 p.m. -- Talk 2: "Using Oracle TimesTen Scaleout" (Oracle TimesTen Product Manager Doug Hood)
  • 7:45 p.m. Q&A, raffle drawings! Feel free to enter now -- things get a little crowded trying to register at the raffle table: (prizes will be selected soon -- and you won't want to miss this one!)
  • 8 p.m. Finis!

First up is GridGain's Denis Magda. He's going hard-core -- breaking a distributed system down into pieces to shed light on some of the common architectural decisions behind distributed in-memory systems.

"Distributed platforms, like Apache Ignite, rely on horizontal scalability," Denis says. "The more machines in the cluster means greater performance of the application. Do we always get twice the speed after adding the second machine to the farm? Ten times faster after adding ten machines? Is that [always] true? What is the responsibility of the platform? And where do engineers’ responsibilities begin?"

In this talk attendees will learn about the compromises and pitfalls architects face when designing distributed systems:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of different data-sharding algorithms.
  • Effective data models for distributed environments.
  • Synchronization and coordination in distributed systems.
  • Local scalability issues of speeding up local processing on cluster nodes.

Next up is Oracle's Doug Hood who will show how to jump in and use Oracle TimesTen Scaleout.

What is Oracle TimesTen Scaleout? It's s a high-performance distributed shared-nothing in-memory RDBMS.

"TimesTen Scaleout provides comprehensive SQL support for both OLTP and analytic workloads," Doug says. In his talk, he'll provide examples of how customers have been using TimesTen Scaleout. The business use cases, sample SQL, HA and transaction models and results will be covered.

Denis Magda
VP, Developer Relations in R&D at GridGain; Apache Ignite committer and PMC member
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