Docker New York City Meetup

Docker New York City Meetup

Denis Magda, director of product management at GridGain Systems and Vice President of the Apache Ignite PMC, will present: "Distributed Database DevOps Dilemmas? Kubernetes to the rescue!"

Distributed databases can make so many things easier for a developer, but not always for DevOps. Kubernetes has come to the rescue with an easy application orchestration!

It is straightforward to do the orchestration leaning on relational databases as a data layer. However, it is more difficult to do the same when a distributed SQL database or other kind of distributed storage is used instead.

In this presentation, attendees will learn how Kubernetes can orchestrate a distributed database like Apache Ignite, in particular:

  • Cluster Assembling - database nodes auto-discovery in Kubernetes.
  • Database Resilience - automated horizontal scalability.
  • Database Availability - what’s the role of Kubernetes and the database.
  • Utilizing both RAM and disk - set up Apache Ignite in a way to get in-memory performance with the durability of disk.


Denis Magda
VP, Developer Relations in R&D at GridGain; Apache Ignite committer and PMC member
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