Bay Area In-Memory Computing Meetup

Bay Area In-Memory Computing Meetup

Denis Magda, director of product management at GridGain Systems, will be a featured speaker at the Aug. 23 Bay Area In-Memory Computing Meetup in Menlo Park, Calif.

The title of his talk will be: "Best Practices for Deploying Distributed Databases and In-Memory Computing Platforms with Kubernetes."

In-memory computing technologies such as in-memory data grids (IMDG) and databases (IMDB), NoSQL and NewSQL databases can make so many things easier for a developer. But implementing DevOps for these distributed technologies and the related storage can be difficult. Luckily Kubernetes has come to the rescue!

Learn how Kubernetes can orchestrate a distributed database or in-memory computing solutions using Apache Ignite as an example. Dwnia will explain how to:

  • Deploy, provision and manage an IMDG or IMDB when you wish to keep data in RAM
  • Set up and manage persistence for the in-memory technologies above or configure a disk-based distributed database
  •  Set up auto-discovery and automated horizontal scalability, and use other tricks for high availability
Denis Magda
VP, Developer Relations in R&D at GridGain; Apache Ignite committer and PMC member
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