Reports and Guides

GridGain reports highlight specific GridGain in-memory computing solutions and are written by various third-party agencies such as 451, Tanjeta Group, and Inside BIGDATA. They present GridGain’s approach to solving a variety of in-memory computing issues faced by in-memory computing developers, enterprise architects, CIO/CTOs, and other enterprise decision makers.

All GridGain reports are available for free download.

Discover the GridGain Unified Real-Time Data Platform, a powerful solution for streamlining, accelerating, and consolidating your data ecosystem. Learn how this performant platform offers horizontal scalability, in-memory capabilities, and support for operational analytics and HTAP workloads. Explore its features for data access, ACID compliance, and high…
Digital transformation is requiring organizations of all types to explore opportunities to leverage data in the next normal and compete in the digital economy.
The 451 Take is that GridGain continues to increase in size and expand its platform with new, differentiating features. Last year in particular was strong for the company, especially in terms of recurring revenue growth and the number of new features released.
451 Research believes that an increasing proportion of enterprise operational applications will rely on hybrid operational and analytic processing (HOAP) to support use cases such as recommendations, personalized content and offers, and real-time fraud analysis. The availability of high-performance in-memory computing technology, therefore, lays the foundation for…
By reducing the latency in operational and analytical processing, organizations can move from a traditional information strategy that often looked backward at the events that happened to a more proactive approach that allows organizations to capitalize on events as they occur and even predict what may happen next. This change to a more proactive operational mindset…
This comprehensive 12-page guide written by respected analyst Daniel Gutierrez from InsideBIGDATA, that explores the critical role in-memory computing is playing in the evolution of the big data industry, including an analysis of the GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric
This is a comprehensive 12-page guide written by respected analyst Daniel Gutierrez from InsideBIGDATA, which reveals the key knowledge you’ll need to begin implementing the in-memory computing technology necessary to hyperscale your SaaS infrastructure.