GridGain Webinar: Comparing and Benchmarking Data Grids: Apache Ignite™ vs. Hazelcast


Don't miss this on-demand deep-dive webinar: "Comparing and Benchmarking Data Grids: Apache Ignite™ vs. Hazelcast" with GridGain co-founder and Apache Ignite™ PMC Chairman Dmitriy Setrakyan.

This webinar is specifically designed for software developers and architects. Dmitriy covers some major differences between Apache Ignite™ and Hazelcast Data Grid technologies. He also focuses on the benchmarks built using the Yardstick Benchmarking Framework to evaluate the performance of Apache Ignite™ and Hazelcast deployed within Docker Containers on Amazon EC2 cloud. He covers transactional cache operations, as well as cache queries using SQL. Dmitriy also answers questions from the audience at the end of the webinar.

Dmitriy Setrakyan
Founder & CPO, GridGain Systems
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