GridGain Webinar: Anatomy of an In-Memory Data Fabric: JCache and Beyond


Are you ready for a deep dive into Apache Ignite™, the high-performance, distributed in-memory data fabric that massively boosts application performance and scale? The on-demand webinar "Anatomy of an In-Memory Data Fabric: JCache and Beyond", is an in-depth look at the architecture of this powerful open source technology that is helping leading edge companies turn Big Data into Fast Data.

Dmitriy Setrakyan, Chair of the Apache Ignite Project Management Committee, and also founder and EVP of Engineering at GridGain Systems, reveals the technical details of distributed clusters and compute grids as well as distributed data grids using various demos and examples.

This is an excellent opportunity for big data developers, engineers, architects and consultants to learn from one of the masters in the field of distributed, high-performance, big data systems.

Dmitriy Setrakyan
Founder & CPO, GridGain Systems
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