High Availability and Fault-Tolerance
In order to deploy a highly available, fault-tolerant Web Console, GridGain provides two special Docker images: gridgain/gridgain-web-console-frontend
and gridgain/gridgain-web-console-backend
The gridgain/gridgain-web-console-frontend
image contains the following service:
Nginx based Web Console Frontend
The gridgain/gridgain-web-console-backend
image contains the following services:
Java Based Web Console Backend
GridGain client node

Register on Docker Hub.
Provide your Docker Hub account name to the GridGain support team in order to configure access to private Docker images with GridGain Web Console.
Create a folder where you will be deploying GridGain Web Console, and open this folder in the terminal.
From the terminal window, login to the Docker Hub with your account.
sudo docker login -u your_docker_hub_account
Minimal Requirements for HA and FT Cluster
At least 2 Frontend nodes
At least 2 Backend nodes
At least 2 GridGain server nodes
Load Balancers in front of Frontend and Backend services
Each Frontend Service should have a Load Balancer in front of it.
In your web-console.conf configuration file for the Frontend service, set the IP address or hostname of the Load Balancer in front of the Backend service.
upstream backend-endpoint {
For the Backend service, add a configuration file with the appropriate IpFinder configuration based on your GridGain Server Nodes deployment. Here’s an example ignite-config.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.org/schema/util" xsi:schemaLocation="
<bean id="grid.cfg" class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
<property name="discoverySpi">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi">
<property name="ipFinder">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.vm.TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder">
<property name="addresses">
<!-- In distributed environment, replace with actual host IP address. -->
If your Linux distribution does not contain the
module in the kernel, you will need to start it manually with the following command:modprobe ip_vs
. -
Start Frontend servers (you can use a single configuration file for multiple servers by specifying a different
):docker run -d --name frontend-1 -v $PWD/web-console.conf:/etc/nginx/web-console.conf gridgain/gridgain-web-console-frontend:2021.04.00 docker run -d --name frontend-2 -v $PWD/web-console.conf:/etc/nginx/web-console.conf gridgain/gridgain-web-console-frontend:2021.04.00
Start Backend servers (you can use a single configuration file for multiple servers by specifying a different
):docker run -d --name backend-1 -v $PWD/ignite_config.xml:/opt/gridgain-web-console-server/ignite-config.xml gridgain/gridgain-web-console-backend:2021.04.00 docker run -d --name backend-2 -v $PWD/ignite_config.xml:/opt/gridgain-web-console-server/ignite-config.xml gridgain/gridgain-web-console-backend:2021.04.00
(CLUSTER_FLOAT_IP is the IP address of the Load Balancer in front of the Frontend service) in a browser, and register your first user. Admin rights will be granted to the first registered user.
You may use docker start <id>
to restart the container. Use docker logs <id>
to see docker container logs.
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