Cluster State Alerts
GridGain Web Console allows you to monitor the state of your cluster by configuring alerts for events occurring on the cluster. Whenever there is a change in the state of the cluster, such as a node join, an alert will be fired if one is configured. You can enable or disable alerts at any time, edit their default values, and choose to receive email/SMS notifications. By default, you will receive Web Console notifications in the Events tab.

Presently GridGain Web Console provides alerts for the following cluster events:
Node joined
Node left
Number of nodes less than
Number of nodes more than
Data Center Replication Alerts
Configuring Alerts
To configure alerts:
Click on the bell icon in the top right corner of the Web Console.
Under the
tab, click Add new alert. -
Select an event for which you want to set an alert, and edit the values accordingly.
Enable email/SMS notifications if needed.
Click Save.

Event Notifications
Events happening on the cluster can be viewed under the Events tab on the Alerts screen of the Web Console.

You can mark all events as read, or delete them by clicking on the Actions tab, as shown in the picture above. Alerts can also be exported to a CSV file by clicking on the book icon.
If you are on a different screen on the Web Console when an event, for which an alert is configured, occurs on your cluster, the bell icon will fire a notification.

Email & SMS Notifications
If Email
and SMS
notifications are enabled under the Configurations tab, notifications will be sent to the e-mail address and phone number specified in the user profile.
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